-About Clinical Research at RMC
-More Information Clinical Research
Riverside Medical Clinic’s Clinical Research department is dedicated to our community with access to cutting-edge medical treatments. By working with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, we take part in the latest treatments being developed for the U.S. market.
We specialize in trials in the following areas:
Asthma | COPD | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Diabetes | Cancer | Allergic Rhinitis |
Infectious Diseases | Chronic Pain | Skin Disorders |
Migraine Headaches | & More… |
Patient safety and welfare is our first priority. All trials conducted at our clinic are FDA monitored and overseen by an Institutional Review Board. Our dedicated team of physicians and staff work together to ensure patient safety and integrity of study data throughout the entire process.
For answers to the most common questions we get, read the FAQs below. You can also call our office and talk directly to one of our Clinical Research Coordinators.
Clinical Research Department
Or visit us at:
7117 Brockton Ave.
Riverside, CA 92506
Q. Are research studies safe?
A. Studies at RMC are approved and monitored by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), an independent committee of doctors, statisticians and members of the community to ensure that trials are ethical and the rights of participants are protected.
Q. Who can participate?
A. All of our clinical trials have guidelines about who can participate. It may be based on factors such as what medications you may be taking, previous treatments and other medical conditions. If you are interested, you will go through a screening process to find out if you qualify for the study. Ask your doctor to find out if you’re eligible.
Q. Will my privacy be protected?
A. Any information obtained about you, including your medical history, findings from laboratory data or physical exams will be kept secure and confidential.
Q. What about health insurance?
A. All research-related procedures, medications, medical exams, lab tests and x-rays are free of charge to study participants. In fact, most studies offer compensation for participants.
Q. What are my responsibilities during the study?
A. Participants agree to follow all of the instructions they are given. In addition, you must not be pregnant or breastfeeding and agree not to become pregnant or breastfeed while in the study. If you are a woman of childbearing potential, you must use an effective method of birth control to avoid pregnancy during the study. Sexual partners of male study participants can be exposed to the study drug through semen. For this reason, you must communicate your participation in a clinical trial to any sexual partner(s) you have.
For more information, please see the National Institutes of Health’s guide to Clinical Research Trials and You.